
Modeling, Estimation, and Control of Quadrotor





最常见的多轴飞行器是四轴飞行器,它是一种非常简单的机器。它由四个连接到刚性十字机身上的独立旋翼构成。对四轴飞行器的控制通过独立调节每个旋翼的推力来实现。俯仰(pitch)、滚动(roll)和升降(heave,也就是总推力)控制可以直接的概念化。如图2所示,如果i为偶数,那么旋翼i逆时针旋转,如果i为奇数,那么旋翼i顺时针旋转。偏航(yaw)控制通过调节顺指针旋转和逆时针旋转的旋翼的平均速度来实现。这个系统是欠驱动(underactuated)的,同传统x-y平面对应的其他自由度(degrees of freedom,DoF)必须通过系统动力学的方式来实现控制。


设 {x, y , z} 是一个没有参考系的三坐标轴单位向量。设 {A} 代表一个右手惯性系 frame with unit vectors along the axes denoted by f~a1,~a2,~a3g expressed in {A}. One has algebraically that~a1 ¼~x, ~a2 ¼~y, ~a3 ¼~z in {A}. The vector r ¼ (x, y, z) 2 fAg denotes the position of the center of mass of the vehicle. Let {B} be a (right-hand) body fixed frame for the airframe with unit vectors f~b1,~b2,~b3g, where these vectors are the axes of frame {B} with respect to frame {A}. The orientation of the rigid body is given by a rotation matrix ARB ¼ R ¼ ½~b1,~b2,~b3 2 SO(3) in the special orthogonal group. One has~b1 ¼ R~x,~b2 ¼ R~y,~b3 ¼ R~z by construction. We will use Z-X-Y Euler angles to model this rotation, as shown in Figure 3. To get from {A} to {B}, we first rotate about a3 by the the yaw angle, w, and we will call this intermediary frame {E} with a basis f~e1,~e2,~e3g where ~ei is expressed with respect to frame {A}. This is followed by a rotation about the x axis in the rotated frame through the roll angle, /, followed by a third pitch rotation about the new y axis through the pitch angle h that results in the body-fixed triad f~b1,~b2,~b3g

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